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Re: NF Engine knock sensor
My car always starts bad in wet weather. Now, the coil and dist stay dry.
I think it might be (in my case) more of moisture in the intake rather
than the electronics. It is possible a sensor might be out because of the
moisture, but...
*Steve Sachelle Babbar
*'84 5ksT 1.6-2.0 bar <SBABBAR@IRIS.NYIT.EDU>
*Cockpit adjustable wastegate, AudiSport badge
*Disclaimer:"Any information contained herein is based purely on my own
*personal experience and may not necessarily reflect yours. Use caution as
*your results may vary from mine."
On Mon, 11 May 1998, MHLIGGINS wrote:
> <<For at least a year, if I leave it for a day or two in wet weather, it is
> hard to start, and runs very rough for a while (10-30 minutes). I assumed
> cap/wires/something like it. Well, it's rained for 16 days straight here, and
> it's DEAD.>>
> Andrew, someone else will probably address the knock sensor situation, I don't
> have a clue. But I did recently have a similar set of symptoms with one of my
> '87 5K TQs. Traced it to the coil. Replaced the coil and the problems went
> away, including running poorly for 20 minutes or so. I suspect it was
> absorbing moisture and would only act right after the coil dried out.
> (The dead knock sensor might simply be coincidental.)
> Later.
> Marty Liggins
> Imperial Potentate, Bucksnort Quattro Club (Un-Inc.)