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Urq compression numbers?
In message <9805121446.AA54056@fluhr.austin.ibm.com> ejfluhr@austin.ibm.com (Fluhr) writes:
> Anyone know what the compression should read on an urquattro engine?
> (Couldn't find it in the archives...)
> The number I was given was "about 100psi across the board". My Coupe GT
> runs ~160psi across all 5 cylinders, with an 8.5:1 compression ratio.
> The urquattro is 7.0:1 (?), so 100psi sounds plausible.
Seven to nine bar on a WR/WX. Wear limit five bar. Maximum difference
between highest and lowest two bar.
Nine to thirteen bar on an MB. Wear limit eight bar. Maximum difference
between highest and lowest 2.5 bar.
Nine to thirteen bar on an RR. Wear limit seven bar. Maximum difference
between highest and lowest three bar.
Phil Payne
Phone: 0385 302803 Fax: 01536 723021
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