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Crash Course in Accident Damages

Bruce Aukerman <Bruce@mannlawfirm.com> wrote:

>In my experience, no one thinks other people get injured in car
>wrecks.  But when it happens to them? Oh, well that's different.  >
I am a case in point. I always thought those neck and back injuries were
plaintiff's folly. No merit in most of that, I thought. And that may still be
true in a lot of cases. But I now have a new perspective on this, given my
recent Crash Course in Accidents 101.

I've been in a 55 mph rollover in the back of a 15 passenger van - not so much
as a bruise (THANKS,SEATBELT), of the other 11 people there was one shiner on
a forehead, a tweaked shoulder, and some very minor bruises (seatbelts worn by
all). But recently I was rear-ended in the 91 200q. Given the underwhelming
damage estimate, the rear-ending is not over. Pass the tucs. 

On the 'personal injury' note, my back is very sore. No slipped discs under
X-ray, but there is a lot of torn muscle tissue surrounding the spine. It will
take 3-4 weeks to heal, maybe longer. (Don't cry for me Argentina, I'm a big
boy). Whether there is damage beyond that they don't yet know. I am 25, and I
live for adreneline, whether it be induced on skis, mountain bike, surfboard,
sailboat, racetrack, etc. I have fallen, slammed, cartwheeled into, off of,
onto any variety of hazardous or immovable objects - one broken leg and some
bumps and bruises, a couple torn tendons/muscles, but NEVER had an injury to
the spinal area. I never would have believed the feeling if I hadn't BTDT. So
next time someone says they were injured, I will look at them with a slightly
less jaundiced eye. Until you've felt your entire spinal column (I acn
actually feel my spine - the muscles surrounding it give a sort of searing
(but dull) pain) you will not believe it. I'm still shocked it feels the way
it does. The woman was probably only going 20~ mph when she hit me (slowing
from ~45, brakes screaming), but it did the trick.

So before you go condemming people make sure you know what you're talking
about. Previously, my opinion of these neck and back injuries was much like
what I've seen from others here. I have unfortunately been 'shown the light'.
There surely are some false claims out there, as this is a hard injury to
'prove' (and therefore disprove) directly, but enough of us (I'm in the group
now, yay) have btdt to make it a fairly reasonable claim. 

I don't say all this to induce sympathy for me. Hell, it's not like I was
paralyzed or something. I'll be fine (pray for my car, though, thanks). I just
hope y'all will go to school on me and (1) wear your seatbelts no matter where
you're sitting, (2) adjust your headrests properly (SAVED MY NECK -
literally!) and (3) be careful in your driving as well as your expression of
opinions regarding people who've been in these situations. You never know who
might really be injured. You don't have to be likeable to be injured... Loser
minivan driving housewives with nothing better to do included (tongue firmly
in cheek).

Anyway, I hereby relinquish the soapbox to the next contestant. (Sorry for

 - In closing, I also want to say thanks to everyone who expressed concern and
sympathy for my unfortunate week this one prior. It's really refreshing to see
the human condition isn't really as bad as I'd sometimes think. Y'all are a
good group. 



91 200q, down, but not out.

PS: If my car had not had a torsen center differential I would have been able
to... aw, forget it.