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Re: Electrical warning ?

10 min ago I wrote:

> >"DO NOT crank engine with high tension lead disconnected"
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> Correct. You should disconnect AND ground it.

I am 8 digests behind.
Looks like this question has been already answered several times.
In the future I'll read my mail in the bulk first, then answer. Sorry.

> ************************************************************
> Igor Kessel
> '89 200TQ -- 18psi (TAP)
> '98 A4TQ -- nothing to declare
> Philadelphia, PA
> http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Garage/8949/homepage.html
> ************************************************************

Igor Kessel
'89 200TQ -- 18psi (TAP)
'98 A4TQ -- nothing to declare
Philadelphia, PA