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Re: Name that movie

Brett Dikeman says:
>(name the movie, get a prize.  Ok, well, not really, but still, name
>the movie, everyone is impressed.)
>Hint: "come on 'big d'...FLY!"

If you are going to choose an interesting movie line, try not to pick
one from a movie that was on TBS this past weekend.  BTW, my favorite line
from this movie is (you really have to read it in the actor's brogue):

     ...most things in here don't react too well to bullets.

And the MAC of this message, has anyone noticed two recent films starring,
of all cars, the Audi Cabriolet?

The independent film "Sliding Doors" with Gwyneth Paltrow had a few shots
of a dark green (?) Cabriolet, mostly from the back.

In "Object of My Affection" with Jennifer Anniston, a bright red Cabriolet
gets significant screen time.  I wasn't too fond of the design in real
life, but it looks pretty darn good on the big screen.

And this isn't an invitation to start the 179th quad-annual discussion on
"Audis in the movies", since we have already covered just about every
possible minute shot of an Audi in Hollywood movies since the dawn of


'85 Coupe GT
Eric J. Fluhr                                Email:  ejfluhr@austin.ibm.com
630FP Logic/Circuit Design                   Phone:  (512) 838-7589
IBM Server Group                             Austin, TX