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Re: RE: '85 Ur-Q...

>>> Jeffrey J. Goggin <audidudi@mindspring.com> 05/15/98 02:51PM >>>

>but you're discounting the emotional appeal of these cars.<

Not really Jeffrey.  In fact, it is the only reason I want one.

>The price they command is a reflection of what someone's willing to
pay for them, no more and (hopefully) a little less.  Rarity is
certainly a factor
but hardly the dominant one ... >

I agree.  Definition of an arms-length transaction.  Willing buyer,
willing seller.     

>As for seeking out the opinions of experts, I can't help but think
they have a vested interest in this.  The few that I know are nice
enough guys but
getting an honest answer out of them is difficult ... if they think
there's a buck to be made, honesty often takes a back seat.<

Geez, have I learned that lately, only not through a rare auto
collector.  Then test it this way.  Tell them you want to buy one...as
a collector.  See what they find you.  

>You obviously view your cars as tools and own rebuilt wrecks because
it's about the most cost effective way to buy a car.  On the other
hand, I have an attachment to the cars I drive, emotional or
otherwise, and having to look at minor ripples in the
shock towers every time I'm under the hood or a door gap that's not
right would quickly begin to wear on me.  For me, cars are NOT just
but "enjoyment pieces" as well [that's a legal term, right?] and I
understand why these two categories are always considered mutually

Daily drivers are tools that should be enjoyed.  Hey, why do I have a
340+ 6pack Duster with 19,000 miles sitting in the garage?  Emotion,

Rebuilt wrecks are what I prefer because I hate the feeling in my as*
when I walk out of most dealerships.  If the guy that fixes my cars
left ripples in shock towers / gaps in openings, I would find a real
professional.  Lucky thing is, he is a pro.  I would put the ones I
have owned up against workmanship from factory any day for money.  The
ones I have sold would pass [and have at dealers] for unwrecked.  This
is where you need to be honest about what you are selling.      

>I will continue to wrestle with my conscience.  Some mods --
different wheels, brakes, etc. -- are no big deal since they're easily
reversed; others are less clear-cut: While you can put
the stock chip back in your ECU, can you ever say with a straight face
it's original again?<

Your car, your call.  Most car people though, that I have dealt with,
use selective straight face tactics.  Question:  What if the car you
have was being sold by the little old lady for $8,000 under its value.
 Do you take the deal?  See? 

>What you pay for a car only reflects the seller's perception of what
it was worth and not the buyer's ... if they agree to sell, then by
definition,they got their price.  How much more the buyer was willing
to pay is unknown.  Obviously, I can't speak for anybody else but I do
know that what
I paid for my Ur-Q was less than what I was _willing_ to pay for it
... to
me, this is a better indicator of its future value than the actual
sales price.<

Yeah, that is what I thought you would say, and, don't necessarily
disagree.  Problem is market value is established by the deals done. 
This is especially true on old cars in insurance claims. 

>the mere fact that many of us are still talking
about our "slow, detuned, smog-certified cars with a hushed tone" is
enough of that!  :^)<

What is the old saying, love is blind?  ha ha 

Enjoy your ride.  It sounds nice.

    _                _
   / |      _| o    | \       _| o  Jeffrey Goggin
  /__| | | / | | __ |  | | | / | |  audidudi@mindspring.com 
 /   | |_| \_| |    |_/  |_| \_| | 