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Re: nick-names for our cars
I use The "S," or The black car (creative huh?).
Co-workers use The rocket or The battleship.
Cops use Pimp mobile (oops, wrong list. Sorry).
Most people who query me on the road say "What kinda Aww-Dee is that. A8?"
Nah, it's a S4. Limited production, they don't make 'em anymore. See ya.
Gives me a feeling of ground supremacy (especially at 5500 feet). You gotta
love it when the afterburner (K24/K26) kicks in.
'93 S4
-----Original Message-----
anyway, interested to see if other people have
>names for their cars, like K.I.T.T. and Michael Knight. (great show).
>86 5kcst 5spd