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Re: nick-names for our cars

At 07:06 PM 5/15/98 -0500, Daniel R. LeFebvre wrote:
>does anybody refer to their car by another name other than "the car."

As I didn't get a chance to check my mail this weekend and am catching up
on my mail, please excuse the tardiness of this message...

I've always felt that my cars needed to *earn* a name.  The personality of
the car...the way I used it (and abused it), etc.  The patterns needed to
be established.  Every name (er, both names) has an explanation.  So, the
envelope please...

'94 Mustang GT Convertible ==> Flexible Flyer.  Fast, fun, eibachs/konis +
subframe connectors still left the car twisty!  The most sled like car I'd
driven at that point.

'98 A4q 2.8 ==> The Road Warrior.  Almost a year old.  Used for many road
trips (when looking for an old 911).  Just the right size for a long trip
for two, regardless of road conditions, of course.

'72 911T ==>  Not in the stable long enough to get a name.  Lotsa
personality, though, so the name should be easy!

Josh Pinkert 
'98 A4q 2.8 
'72 911T 