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FW: RE: Avant roof antenna

My apologies for any WOB on the q-list ... Larry Mittell sent me a direct
e-mail about a question on the 5k/200q Avant antenna access.  My attempt to
reply has apparently bounced, so I'll try the list.  Since I really didn't
have much of an answer for him ... if anyone has direct experience, feel
free to join in!

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)

... then I realized ... I'm at home, I can check this out myself!  Doouuugh!

Checked the 5k Bentley and the 200QW fiche ... not a lot of help from
either.  I looked at the car, and it certainly appears that the trim cover
at the rear of the roof can be removed and allow access to the antenna
booster.  I didn't dig in, but if I were to, the first thing I'd do is to
remove the light for the cargo area ... I'd bet there's an attaching screw
for the trim piece in there ... much like the access panel for the sunroof
mechanism ...

> ----------
> > If I recall correctly, you've got an Avant of the same vintage ('89)
> > as
> > mine, or thereabouts. If my memory isn't playing up on me and this
> > isn't
> > so, sorry for the wasted BW. Anyway, I suspect I've got a bad
> > connection to
> > my rear roof radio antenna. Do you know if it can be removed to check
> > the
> > connection without dropping the headliner? If so, how?
> > 
> Greetings Larry!  Yes, I've got a similar Avant ... mine being an '88
> 5k, but I have to admit that I haven't had a need to dig up there
> myself.  That said, it usually seems to be the case that Audi lays
> things out so there is some sort of access panel.  My thinking is that
> you can probably remove that wide trim piece at the back of the roof
> (inside) to get at the antenna guts.  I've been meaning to try that
> myself as the light for the cargo area on my car isn't working ... and
> I'll be doggoned if I can find the switch!  
> If you'd like I can pull up the fiche to see if it shows how the antenna
> is accessed ... just let me know.  
> Good luck, and let me know what you find!
> Steve