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S4/S6 bypass valve

	I just R&R'd the bypass valve on my S4 (with the spate of recently
reported bad ones, it was worth looking) and, in classic Audi fashion, I
have good news and bad news.

	Good news: Valve's working fine- operates, holds vaccuum, etc.

	Bad news:  Where the vacuum hose attaches to the bypass valve is recessed
into the body of the valve to the point that I can't get a normal
screw-type clamp in to resecure the hose, and, even if I can get it in
there, I can't tighten it. The original clamp was of the crimp in place
variety (of course, I cut mine off before realizing that it wasn't going to
be easy to replace)

	Any BTDT's? Should I go ahead and get a replacement stock fitting and
crimp it in place, or are there other viable (and reuseable) alternatives?

