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200 TQ Parking Brake Cables

I need some BTDT help.  I've been having a problem with the rear brakes
sticking after the parking brake is released (1990 200 TQ).  I suspected
the calipers, but this weekend found that it is only the cables.  I was
happy that the expensive calipers won't need to be replaced, but it
looks like replacing the cables might not be a "simple" task.  I don't
have a hoist, so I'll be working with ramps and concrete blocks (solid
ones). The cables seem to be routed through, around, and over many tight
spaces and the adjustable end toward the front of the car is quite
rusty.  Also, it is located over the drive shaft with little room to

Can someone who has replaced the parking brake cables give me some
suggestions on how to it?  For example, which parts tend to be rusty and
hard to get off, does one remove the front end first, and how hard is it
to reroute the cables around, through, and/or under everything? 
Unfortunately the Bentley is not too verbose on this task and I'd rather
have a game plan instead of laying on my back trying to figure it out.

Thanks in advance.  I'll be leaving work early today, so if you can
offer any help, please respond to my home EMAIL address which is


