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Mid'89 - '91 MC Fuel Pump R&R Update (was Curses! Foiled Again!)

    The fuel pump saga continues. Took the car to the dealer today to get
the pump taken out with tool 3214. The dealer pulled the pump so I could get
the Bosch part number and put the old pump back in since my replacement pump
was the wrong P/N. And get this - NO CHARGE for the work! The mechanic said
this was the first car he had to use the special tool on; the pumps are
usually removable by hand.
    Audi made a running change in 1989 on the MC engined cars and replaced
the old tripod mount with the newer plastic "bucket" mount. The Bentley
incorrectly shows the tripod mount through 1991 for the MC engine. The pump
mounting system is actually as shown in the Bentley under the 3B engine
    The pump slides into the upper plastic housing (called an upper fuel
reservoir in the Bentley) from the bottom and is held place by the lower
screen assembly which locks to the upper housing with a bayonet mount. The
entire assembly is lowered into the tank mount and rotated 15 degrees
clockwise to lock it in place. This is where tool 3214 comes in. The tool
(made of ABS plastic) engages the pump housing and has a socket to take a
ratchet wrench. On my car, the assembly snapped into place with a good solid
"thunk", so it is little wonder I couldn't remove it by hand.
    The fuel pumps for this mounting system are smaller than the pumps used
with the old tripod mount. The Bosch part number on the pump in my '91 200q
is 0 580 254 038.
    So a warning to late model MC engine owners - if you plan on changing
your fuel pump, as Dave Lawson points out, be sure to know a shop with tool
    I ran my tank empty and used vinyl surgeons gloves to root around
inside. The gloves stood up well to the gasoline and gave good tactile
feedback which is required when you are doing the job by feel.

Fred Munro
'91 200q  252k km