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Re: @#*@#*$ windshield cracked
State Farm will pay to replace a windshield only if the crack is such that
it impairs the driver's straight ahead vision. A crack on the passenger's
side isn't enough. Now, when that crack extends itself to the driver's
field of view...
BTW, did you know that a crack in glass can be extended in almost any
desired direction by the application of firm pressure with a finger or
thumb near the leading edge of the crack?
At 07:28 AM 5/20/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Someone said that often insurance companies will pay to stop the crack from
>spreading, rather than have you A) drive an unsafe car or B) pay for a whole
>windshield. I belive it is B, myself. I think they said it was GEICO, but
>you may want to check with your company.
>'96 A4q
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Elliott Potter <epotter@abraxis.com>
>To: quattro Digest <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
>Date: Tuesday, May 19, 1998 10:25 PM
>Subject: @#*@#*$ windshield cracked
>>Just got a lovely 8" crack in my windshield, starting at the top around
>>the rearview mirror and going down. Actually, it was about 3 inches
>>when it first appeared but grew to 8 inches in a 20 minute freeway ride.
>>Anyone know of a way to hide this, or at least to stop it from growing
>>any bigger? There's absolutely no way I can get a windshield, but DAMN
>>"Never raise your hands to your kids. It leaves your groin
>> -- Red Buttons
* Robert L. Myers rmyers@inetone.net Home 304-574-2372/1166 *
* Rt. 1, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA WV tag Q SHIP *
* Obligatory quattro and sleddog-L references: *
* My 4 Siberian Huskies don't get to enjoy riding in my '95 S6 *