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A4 nits (was Re: 98 Passat Wagon - Helicopter mode)

   Has anyone else discovered the problem with the new Passat
   Wagon's design?  If you have the sunroof open all the way
   with the windows closed, and drive anywhere near 50MPH,
   the air pressure pulses rapidly popping your ears HARD and
   it sounds like a helicopter.

   Do any of the Audi's have this problem?

The A4 has this in spades! Certain combinations of open windows/sunroof
generate a very dramatic whompa whompa pulsation. Changing the configu-
ration slightly (open window another 2 inches, open different window,
etc.) "cures" it.

I consider this probably the most glaring fault of the A4, eclipsing
even the cup-holder's inability to hold my bottle of YooHoo! (OK, OK,
I don't *really* care about the cup-holders).

Other major nit:

The climate control is gonna drive me over the edge (well, further
over the edge than I am already). Not being able to select "recirc"
unless the A/C is active is the most ##$@#$#*((#_)$)!@!#@($)%$(*#^ing
stupid assinine teutonically-wedged-in-a-dank-dark-place design I can
think of (right up there with the older cars' ('83 UrQ, for example)
not blowing hot air through the center vents; a "feature" they have
fortunately fixed in the current generation)! I would be interested in
the "metrics" that went into the design of the controller...I mean, it
*really* wants to run the A/C when it's *cold* outside...oh well, at
least I can turn the A/C off...and they do allow pretty good manual
override for most of the operations like which vents, fan speed, and
so on (although *why* does the fan speed keep changing even after I
put it in manual mode?????)

Actually, I think this is worse than the air noise/pulsation, in my
opinion -- I can change the window opening; I *can't* shut out the eau
de skunk, or smoky smelly diesel in front of me, since the damn thing
insists on sucking in outside air no matter *how cold* it is.

Yeah, yeah, that prevents fogging the windows. *CRAP*! When it's -10F
and the dewpoint is somewhat below that, fogging the windows is not a
problem, blowing -10F air on my fingers and toes IS!  (Thank god the
bloody thing is smart enough not to go to hyperdrive [high fan speed]
until the engine has actually warmed up and can start providing heat!)

Minor nits:

The (driver's, anyways) window switches are placed horribly far back
on the armrest -- I have to really contort my wrist to control the
back windows (it's almost easier to reach across with my *right* hand
to deal with the switches). I'd rather see the mirror and window
switch positions exchanged (I use the windows a lot, the mirror switch
almost never).

The volume control on the fancy nancy radio is way too coarse -- it
sounds like it jumps by 6 or 8db steps.

I hate the center-console/armrest -- it completely blocks reaching
back to the back seat/map-pocket/floor/etc. area. When down, it's not
bad, but then it blocks the parking/emergency brake handle, so I
always just leave it up. (On the other hand, in the up position, it
does make a nice maple syrup bottle holder...)

The low beams are pretty decent (best "production" low beams I've seen),
the high beams are near useless (typical production...). I'll hafta
upgrade these babies. (At least Audi has finally seemed to figure out
the current vs wire issue [some of y'all may remember my ranting about
incompetent wiring in my '83...], the headlights are seeing a good
13.5 (+-) volts across the filaments.)

The engine/coolant temp gauge is not "calibrated" (the oil temp gauge
is! why not engine/coolant too???) in degrees, just indeterminate
marks. Grumble...

And, obviously, it doesn't have near enough power . . . but that issue
will get addressed shortly . . . heh heh.

Overall, it's a great little car, but those two glaring faults really
mar an otherwise excellant automobile.
