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Re: windscreens and such

you might try cerium oxide..

mike miller
91 200q

-----Original Message-----
From: geo <gamills@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Wednesday, May 20, 1998 4:42 PM
Subject: windscreens and such

>Whilst buying the family grocs I ended up parked next to another
>owdiphile and we struck up a conversation (I know, unusual). We
>got talking about pitting of the subject and what might be done
>about it, other than a new one.  He indicated he was into stained
>glass and rollin' stones (lapidary stuff) and thought that tin
>oxide might help to smooth the leading edges of the pits down
>making it less blinding when you are heading into the sun.  He
>indicated it would take a lot of elbow grease to get any results
>even with a buffer, but it might be worth a shot.  At this point
>a couple of boys as tall a Mike Jordan show up and say 'come on
>Dad, we gotta get going or we're gonna be late.'  End of
>Anyone tried this or something similar?
>And yes, I'm a tried and true Bon Ami user.  Used to use a bottle
>of coke in days gone by, but BA is better.