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Cars vs Men - the female view
There is soon to be launched a car magazine aimed exclusively at women. The
following are some of the reasons that one of todays papers printed in order
to try to persuede women that cars are more desirable than men.
When you decide to dump your car, it can be compressed into a six-inch metal
cube or sold for scrap. It won't keep ringing you and asking if you can
"still be friends".
A flash car is a GTI. A flash man is just a git.
A really old car is a thing of beauty. It also leaks less than a really old
Your car will help carry the shopping home from the local supermarket.
When your tyres go bald, your car won't try to conceal it by scraping across
the surface what little tread it still possesses.
You can put as much booze as you like into your car and it'll still go in a
straight line.
Cars are easier to get started in the morning.
A car is less likely to let you down. If it does you can call out the AA and
they'll send a very nice man to patch things up.
If you are flat on your back under your car, people wont think that you are
a slut, they'll think that you are a mechanic.
And you can get straight under your car without having to dance, talk or go
to dinner with it.
If a car has only had one previous lady owner, thats a good thing.
You can offer your car to female friends who need a pick-up.
You can share a friend's car when you go to a party.
A car will always have a cigarette lighter handy.
Your car wont complain that the new steering wheel cover "spoils the
Jim Haseltine