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RE: sexism

To be fair, it rather depends on whether or not Doubldz was on a freeway, or
just a two-lane road when she thought of this. On a freeway, she'd be a
mouth-breather, but on a two-lane road she'd be perfectly right. On the
freeway it's her legal responsibility to shift out of the way of faster
traffic, on a two-laner, it's the idiots behind her's responsibility to
either pass safely or back off. She's under no obligation to pull of the
road, unless she's travelling so slowly that she could be classed as an
obstruction (e.g. at farm tractor speeds). There's nothing at law that says
you must _speed_up_ for someone (assuming you're doing a legal speed),
merely that you must _allow_them_to_pass_ (as and when traffic, road
conditions, lane markings etc. permit).

Of course, if she was on a freeway, then Sarge's views are, if anything,
charitable, but let's assume she wasn't.


> [mailto:owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net]On Behalf Of Sargent Schutt
> DOUBLDz <DOUBLDz@aol.com> wrote:
> >In the meantime I wish I could get some of these balding/bad
> comb-overed, wrap
> >around sunglass wearing, middle-aged male businessmen driving nondescript
> >underpowered american 2 door pseudo sports car 20 miles over the
> speed limit
> >OFF MY REAR END!!!!!!!!
> >
> >Take that!
> Doubldz:
> I strongly advise getting the hint and moving yourself one lane
> to the right.
> You are out of order. If someone wants to pass you, and you don't
> let them,
> YOU are violating the law. It is not your job to play enforcer,
> unless you are
> an officer of the law, which I sincerely doubt.  If you want to
> enforce the
> law, at *least* study it first. Then go get a job with the appropriate law
> enforcement agency. Until then, don't play God. Your position exudes
> ignorance, and folks like you are catalysts for road rage. Do you
> know why the
> person behind you is in such a hurry? Oh, I suppose you are
> psychic too, eh?
> Sincerely,
> Sarge
> 91 200q