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A/C....Heater Control Unit Relays..
Have a 87 5KQ..
My A/C Control Unit can't make up its mind what it is going to do, had much
Heat on my toes last night coming home. Looked at my trusty Bently diagram
of the Vacum lines & it says that the the Heater value needs to have vacum
on it to shut off the heat. Used my vacum pump & there are no leaks & the
Heat Value pulled up & shut off the hot water. The Fresh Air Vent vented to
the inside.
Has anyone removed these vacum relays & serviced them????
What voltage do you look for on the Coil Terminals??
Many Thanks,
Bob Mansker
Ocean Springs, MS (next to Biloxi)
87 5000SQ (171,000 & counting)