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wastegate spring and diaphagm

Fellow Audi fanatics,
    About one week ago I started noticing my boost pressure fluctuating slightly under max boost (13-15psi), I thought that this was just the soleniod adjusting the wastegate.  Then a few days ago  the boost would build to 1.6 bar then drop drastically to 1.2 bar while I'm still on the throttle and then build up again to 1.8 bar and start setting off the fuel cutoff.  Today I decided to pull off the wastegate cap just to check if the diaphagm was cracked and it had a very small tear on the bottom of it close to the lowest stud hole.
    This is where you come in Scott.  I would like to purchase a diaphagm (wastegate) and a spring for the QLCC chip.  Also, what method of payment do you accept, visa, cheque, mastercard, cash.  TIA.
Stefan Bendevis, audiman@sprint.ca
1987 5000 CD Quattro (>1.8 bar, hit fuel cutoff all the time, 3" exhaust including cat, soon to have H&R springs and ______ shocks)