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Re: Suggestion needed for decent anti-mist window treatment..
Fellow Audi fanatic,
It sounds like you have a leaking heater core. When they go, all the
windows fog up, especially the windshield. I've never done one in an Audi
but from the looks of it, it doesn't look like a very pleasant job. Maybe
others on the list can help. To check if it is the heater core you might
want to try doing a pressure test on the system and see if the pressure
drops after a few minutes. Good luck, I hope its not your heater core but
it sure sounds like it is.
Stefan Bendevis, audiman@sprint.ca
1987 5000 CD Quattro (1.8 bar QLCC, 3" exhaust including cat, torn WG
diaphragm, waiting for new diaphragm and 1.8 bar sprint from Scott Mo)
-----Original Message-----
From: Gerard <gerard@poboxes.com>
To: quattro list <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: May 31, 1998 10:19 AM
Subject: Suggestion needed for decent anti-mist window treatment..
>My windows have been fogging up something awful over the last few
>weeks. Sometimes it is not so much misty as being covered in
>huge water droplets (almost more water on the inside of the windows
>that on the inside!). I took the opportunity during yesterday's
>sunshine to wash off a month's worth of traffic dirt and spent an
>hour scrubbing the windows. It seems the entire thing was lined
>with some sort of grime. I then used a Holt's AntiFog cloth, which
>I got from one of the local NAPA stores, it is just a cloth that was
>soaked in some Holt's AntiFog fluid and left to dry, when you apply
>it to a moist window it will then obviously apply itself.
>After all this cleaning (2:30pm - 6pm! which included a rather nasty
>cut to my finger when scraping it on the tailpipe when cleaning the
>rear skirts! ouch!) I went out with a few friends to see a movie, get
>coffee and head to Camps Bay beach at 3am. The windows fogged again.
>I tried the defogger, but not much luck. Tried hot and cold settings
>and also just running the windows down. No luck. Even used the
>anti-mist thing on the fogged windows, but they fogged up a little
>I would like to know what anti-misting products listers recommend.
>I have tried the Holts anti-mist fluid before, but gave up 'cos it
>didn't go on too well.
>Has anyone used a product called "Auri" or "AuriShine"? This is a car
>polish of sorts and also has anti-mist properties on glass. It was
>advertised on TV some years ago and I recently saw it again. It is
>something like $40 for 2 bottles and is supposedly very good, but I'd
>like to first hear if anyone has used it and whether it is worth it.
>Heck, I'd buy it just for the name! :) It is a protective paint
>sealant kind of thing as well, don't know if it is one of those Teflon
>products, but doubt it.
>Another thing, my radiator fan is a bit faulty and I need to run my
>A/C to control temperatures. The AC is out of gas anyway, so I'm
>beginning to think this fogging thing might be related to some other
>fault in the AC or venting system, maybe a faulty air dryer somewhere.
>Any ideas?
>"a thousand miles from here, there is another person smiling"
>1990 Turbo [200t fwd auto mac13a ECU 1.4-1.6 bar] - going in for
> repair/project evaluation tomorrow.
>name : gerard van vught
>tel : +27-21-696 0331 (h) / 082 923 9609 (cell)
>url : http://www.poboxes.com/gerard/
>e-mail : gerard@poboxes.com / han.solo@galaxycorp.com
> gerard@mosaic.co.za (work)