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Re: info needed on gearbox...
> According to Audi, the flywheel can be a fwd or quattro, but must be a
> turbo. Also, they are supposed to fit 86-88 only or 88-91 only. The
> two have different part numbers.
That could prove a bit costly, but the flywheel will have to go from
an auto in order to put in a manual anyway. So next point then is to
determine if a aluminium flywheel would be a better idea. I do
remember someone on the list with an S4 putting in a aluminium
flywheel and would like to hear if there is any improvement in using
a Al wheel instead of a stock unit.
A point of clarification required: is that the 88-91 will fit the
88-91 MC and will need a 88-91 016 gearbox, or is that a 88-91 will
fit a 88-91 MC with any 016 gearbox (pre-88)?
PS: To anyone who might be interested in the later 2-piece EMs for
the 5kt/200, I am currently talking to someone who is able to
obtain these manifolds (ie. there is someone manufacturing them)
for "a whole lot less" than the agents are asking (my current
pricing for this unit from the agents comes to $680 for both
pieces and 5 gaskets and some new bolts and gaskets on the turbo
end, so I've got my fingers crossed while waiting for the pricing
on the other units).
"a thousand miles from here, there is another person smiling"
1990 Turbo (200t, MAC13A ECU, 1.4-1.6 bar (1.8 bar with faulty WGFV!),
FWD auto)
name : gerard van vught
tel : +27-21-696 0331 (h) / 082 923 9609 (cell)
url : http://www.poboxes.com/gerard/
e-mail : gerard@poboxes.com / han.solo@galaxycorp.com