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Re: Spontaneous Windshield Breakage?!?

> At 23:14 25.05.98 -0400, Bryan Kamerer wrote:
> >	Today I returned to my car after leaving it parked for 4 hours to find the
> >windshield had broken in front of the passenger, vertically in a fairly
> >straight line about 6 inches, then the break turned towards the center 90
> >deg. for another 8 inches.  Absolutely not there when we left the car -
> >both the passenger and I confirm this.
> >	Anybody ever heard of anything like this?

On another car of mine, after sitting in the hot sun all day long, stupid
me poured nice cold water on it to rinse for a wash.  Lo and behold, as
soon as I was done washing, big-ol crack running down the windshield.

There *was* a small fracture already, and it seems like it just grew a
whole lot.

Lesson learned -- do not vary the temperature on the windshield by too


                    [PGP] finger mchang@ece.nwu.edu