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Re: sunroofs and booming
This condition is also greatly influenced by wind speed and direction.
Paul Anderson:
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On Tue, 26 May 1998 13:25:39 -0400 (EDT) Brett Dikeman
<brett@pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net> writes:
>Ok, remember that whole thread about (sometimes painful, always
>pressure changes with the sunroof open? I've found it's sensitive to
>road! For example, I go cruising down one road, big time rumbling.
>turn onto similar road(but paved at a different time and hence a
>composition) and no noise! Neither road is bumpy at all, it just seems
>like road surfaces matter. Could explain why some listers got it,
>don't...I'd be willing to be the suspension has a lot to do with it
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