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Mt. Washington Update IMPORTANT
To: quattro
If you cannot, or do not wish to attend the Mt. Washington Hillclimb June
26-27-28 or have already sent regrets, please accept my apologies
and delete this mailing.
The REGISTRATION DEADLINE for the NorthEast Quatto Club Corral at Mt.
Washington has been moved until June 4th, 1998.
There has been some last minute demand for entry and in order to try to be
as fair as possible I have been able to move the registration
deadline forward. However, this new deadline means that your entry form
and funds must be
RECEIVED by June 4th.
This deadline is necessary due to pre-event mailing, printing of limited
edition T-shirts, and organization which requires that we know who and how
many people to expect.
The organizers and members of the NEQ look forward to seeing you there.
ALL Audi owners are encouraged and invited to attend and club membership is
NOT required.
Wetterauer America is the OFFICIAL Sponsor of the NEQ Corral at Mt.
Washington, visit them at: http://www.chip-tuning.com/
Wetterauer America is planning to do on-site demonstrations and "Chipping"
of your car on site!!
There will be a chance to win Mintex apparel and a lucky A4 owner will take
home a full set of Mintex brakepads courtesy of
Camra Motorsports limited.
For more information on this event; please see:
http://www.borg.com/~neq/hill98.htm#NEQ Corral 98
then: http://www.borg.com/~neq/correg.htm#Audi
For Mt. Washington see: http://www.mt-washington.com/cttcabout.html
Of course, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me
directly at Paul_Royal@IDX.COM
I look forward to seeing you there!
Paul Royal
Eventmaster NEQ at Mt. Washington 1998
The short form:
Registration Form
Full Name:____________________________Make: ______________ YR:
City:__________________________________Color: _____________
State:_____ ZIP:________QClub USA Membership #:____________
Phone #s (H/W):_______________________Fax:________________
E-mail Address:__________________________
Registration Option #1
T-shirt S / M / L / Xtr-L = $_20.00_(Circle Size)
Additional TsS / M / L / Xtr-L ___ X $18 = $______ (Circle Size)
Total Enclosed = $_______
Registration Option #2
No T-shirt = $_10.00_(Circle if this is your registration choice)
Please indicate how many Adults:______ Children (12 and under):______ are
planning to attend the Saturday Morning Buffet Breakfast at the Thompson
Eatery in Jackson NH.
Friday and Saturday are practice days for the Hillclimb which starts on
morning. Please let us know on what days you will be attending the Corral:
Friday________, Saturday________, Sunday________.
Volunteers are needed to help with the Corral. Please let us know if you
willing to help out. (The Club and Mt. Washington do not assume any
responsibility for your car and there will be a waiver of liability form at
event that you must sign).
Please send your registration to:
Paul Royal, Apt. T-3,
71 High St.,
Exeter, NH 03833-2929
by May 22, 1998 and make your checks payable to the
NEQ Audi Quattro Club USA .
For Registration Questions contact:
Paul Royal Eventmaster for the NEQ Corral and NEQ related events at Mt.
Paul_Royal@IDX.COM , Phone: 603-772-7356 evenings before 10:00PM Eastern
For Accommodations Information contact: Chris Miller: C1J1Miller@aol.com