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Re: MB Ur-questions
In message <199805301924.WAA09869@vtoy.fi> "Jouko Haapanen" writes:
> While I wait for my 1988 Urquattro (MB) factory repair manuals, there are
> some questions I meed to ask.
> 1. The (vacuum) hose on top of the wastegate is not attached to anything.
> Is this the way it is supposed to be on an MB? There is just approx. 10cm
> of hose dangling free on one end. The fiche refers to N 900 996 01,
> shorten piece to 620mm. Such an exact measurement, and mine is only 100mm?
Just about every MB I come across has been "dealt with" by some monkey
who doesn't know the difference between a WR and an MB. I think only
Martin and Brian at BR Motorsport, and nyself thanks to the good offices
of the QLCC, actually _understand_ how these cars work.
Cast your eyes heavenwards, dear sir. There is a diagram on the
underside of the bonnet.
There are three hoses connected to the wastegate frequency valve. The
one to the wastegate itself _is_ only 100mm long - it goes from the
upper outside port. The upper centre port is connected to the turbo
inlet, and the lower port is connected to unthrottled boost in early
MB engines, and throttled boost in later ones.
> 2. What is the test procedure for the full-throttle enrichment switch? Did
> I miss it on the fiche, or is 443 906 277 D the right part? The fiche says
> F-85-D-900 001>>, but only refers to WR and GV engines. Did I miss this
> one on the fiche?
# 034 133 093 F will get you one from Audi, and # 0 280 120 308 will get
you _exactly_ the same part from Bosch at half the price. In an Audi
box, too.
Phil Payne
Phone: 0385 302803 Fax: 01536 723021
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