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a few things to ramble about...

Hey, remember when I posted that little tidbit of advice about not
greasing the 
striker latch assembly too much, or else the plastic linkage piece will

Well, the grease wasn't what caused it.  What caused it was I neglected
to slip 
the white plastic linkage piece through the holes, to the outside of the
before attaching the striker assembly to it.  I merely pushed it onto
the little 
tabs from within the door, so it wasn't "latched" or "hooked" behind the
sheet metal.  This is why it fell right off.

I discovered this after having to put it on once again, after it fell
off when I 
was up in Prescott on Memorial Day weekend with my lady.  I had to pull
the door 
panel off once again to get it unlocked.  Once I went to fix it the last
time, I 
right away realized my mistake.  Problem solved, no fault of the Audi

Also, I pushed out my 4ksq from the garage on Friday and washed it for
the first 
time since I bought it.  Then I polished the hood and roof, and put the
battery on 
the charger.  Today I sat in it and listened to the radio for a spell. 
begun thinking about working on it.

Right now, in order for it to run, it needs a voltage
regulator/alternator brush 
assembly, a drivers side motor mount, and the head to be replaced or a
valve job 
done.  I'm thinking I'll get the Group 6 Motorcraft external voltage
regulator for 
one of my cars and free up the one working regulator I do have.  

I really like the interior of the 4ksq.  It's a bit more comfortable to
me than 
the Coupe GT.  I love the color too.  I used to have a Toyota truck when
I was in 
high school that was a similar metallic charcoal grey color that I liked

I went to Sears and priced some tap and die sets and such.  Tony's post
with the 
thread size and pitch of the gear selector has piqued my interest in
my shifter(s) with the stock knobs.  They have the right size dies for
which can be used with a socket, or I can buy the kit which includes the
size (M12 x 1.5) for $50.  It would be nice if the shifter wasn't so

I plan on soon buying a big valve head for the quattro, and putting it
on.  The 
gasket set is $60, the engine mount is about $50 (I'm going to replace
the side on 
my Coupe that is currently using the missing one from the q). 
Apparently, Audi 
did away with the hydraulic mounts for the 4ksq's, and has devised some
sort of 
dealer-only, solid alternative with brackets.  Has anyone had to use one
of these?

I'm trying to let my paychecks catch up with me so I can get some new
front control 
arms with new bushing already installed.  I was going to just replace
those urethane bushings with stock rubber ones, but I have a very slight
caster problem that might be solved with new A-arms, and I need new sway
bar bushings anyway.  Those are gonna run $140 a side.  Then I can save
some more and get the Stebro mid section for $285.

I'm glad I can put off these expenses until I'm ready, unlike a car
payment that 
shows up whether you're ready or not.  I'm off to tinker with my cars...

Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
