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S.E. Chocholek...
In various posts over the past two days, I've seen references to S.E.
Chocholek, author of the Torsen paper I posted to my web site as well as the
contract engineer that Gleason hired to help them refine the Torsen diff
design and make it ready for mass production. He never claimed to have
invented the Torsen diff (although he did say that he'd worked with the
inventor previously) nor did he ever claim to have worked on the project by
While I have no idea why he left Gleason -- frankly, that's sort of what
contract engineers do after they are finished with whatever it was they were
working on -- I think it's unfair to suggest that he did so under any sort
of black cloud. Nothing he said in my conversation with him suggested this
and if anyone read this into the summary of our conversation that I
subsequently posted to the Q-list, you inferred too much. I don't see that
his employment status (or lack thereof) with Gleason has any bearing on how
the Torsen diff operates and on a personal level, I didn't sense any
animosity on his part toward either the company or the people who are still
working there. To suggest otherwise is to inappropriately put words in my
mouth and, by extension, his mouth as well...
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/ | _| o | \ _| o Jeffrey Goggin
/__| | | / | | __ | | | | / | | audidudi@mindspring.com
/ | |_| \_| | |_/ |_| \_| | http://www.mindspring.com/~audidudi/