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Re: Audi fog light switch

>Michael Williams pondered:
>>hey all, does anyone here have an Audi factory fog light switch for an
>>85-87 4kq?
>Maybe just sand a defroster switch smooth and put a coat of
>paint on it?
The face is the only thing that is different about the defroster vs. fog
light switch.  They cost the same at a dealer/parts co.

>I have been meaning to ask:  where can we get fog lights that
>will fit into the openings on the bumper?  Unless I missed it,
>my owners manual doesn't mention fog lights.  Was this a European
>option or something?  It's obvious that that's what the places
>in the bumper are there for.

Curiously, the euro driving/fog lights for a 87 944T look VERY much like
they would fit in a 4k's bumper.  Not sure.  Would be neat; the lights are
called "Laser beams of death" by porsche list members, and they arranged
for a group purchase.  You would have to shim the back to lower the beam,
since on a 944 they sit wicked low to the ground...if someone sends me the
dimensions of the opening in the bumper, I'll measure the US spec lights
that came out when the euro spec ones went in and see if they would fit.


Brett Dikeman
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