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Interesting insurance loophole (minimal Audi content)

To:   quattro
I received this from my local motorcycle sportriders list. This would only
apply to those of us with a secondary vehicle, but it's an extremely
interesting idea.

Sean Ford
'92 Audi 100CS 5-spd 37k mi
'89 Suzuki Katana 600 16k mi (scary, my bike's mileage is catching up to my
car's mileage)
---------------------- Forwarded by Sean Ford/BOSTON/IDX1 on 06/04/98 07:27
AM ---------------------------

Jon_Sutton@Millipore.com on 06/03/98 01:26:28 PM

Please respond to biketalk@mail.sportriders.com

To:   biketalk
cc:    (bcc: Sean Ford/BOSTON/IDX1)
Subject:  Re: An insurance tail (chit-chat category)

A little game I played with the insurance co in Mass is you
usually have a seperate policy for the bike.  Have your insurance
agent list this as your primary vehicle.  Points are assesed to the
primary car/bike and are a percentage of the total.  And you get
credit points on the other policy.(ie. adiscount)
You have to keep the bike reg/ins. all year.
This has saved me $$$$$$$$$$$ over the years.
Happy Wednesday
95 VFR

letezech@pb.com on 06/03/98 10:32:26 AM

Please respond to biketalk@mail.sportriders.com

To:   biketalk@mail.sportriders.com
cc:    (bcc: Jon Sutton/NA/Millipore)
Subject:  Re: An insurance tail (chit-chat category)

    What state do you live in ? I pay a combined $2000 for my 95 YZF, 67
95 Tahoe, and 86 Nissan ! I am a male under 30, single, And I have speeding
tickets and I've been in numerous accidents ( none my fault - knock on wood
). I
don't know the law in your state but in Connecticut if you pay the ticket
without going to court to fight it your insurance company is never the
wiser and
no points ( nice system - for the state ). I was recently looking at a 98
convertible SS Camaros Trans Am's and my insurance to add the camaro and
the Nissan would change my premium by a minimal amount $500 or $600 I think
and foreign 4 and 6 cylinders were even cheaper. Maybe you should check
your insurance agent on  multi year or multi car or umbrella policies tied
with your home ( if you have one). Progressive insures my bike and I think
Allstate for the cars, I don't know the names of the companies because I go
through independent agents, but if you really want to know I will check
Good luck, and keep the car if you love it, you'll be sorry you got rid of

______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: An insurance tail (chit-chat category)
Author:  <biketalk@mail.sportriders.com > at SMTPGWY
Date:    6/2/98 3:41 PM

Today I received the car insurance bill for next year.

They want almost $3,000 to insure my A4...I have never had an accident
in my life, but I'm being porked because couple stupid speeding
tickets, which I  was informed will remain on me for 6 years. YIPEEE!!

This is called rip-off in my dictionary.

I'm not a happy camper.


P.S. Anyone wants to buy a silver A4 with 4.5K miles? I don't want it.
Its more expensive than a bitter divorce...I'd rather walk.

Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com


   Be sure to stop by the SportRiders of New England
      web site located at http://www.sportriders.com

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