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Re: Pilot Bushing here's another one.

Dasisgoot@aol.com wrote:
> > "Steven Buchholz" <k1drbar@worldnet.att.net>
> >
> > Any ideas for a tool that might be able to help me
> > extricate myself from my current situation would be much appreciated!
> I have not had a chance to try this one out myself but can remember
> reading a alternative to this in one of the auto magazines awhile ago.
> They're method involved finding a steel bar or shaft with an outside
> diameter very close to the inside diameter of the bushing which your
> trying to extract (possibly a discarded or maimed input shaft) You
> basically pack the cavity in the flywheel ahead of the pilot bushing with
> heavy grease (wheel bearing) and hammering the the shaft into the center
> of the the bushing force the it out hydraulically.(the compressed grease
> imparts equal force in all directions including 180 degrees to the angle
> of impact ie "front side"of the bushing.) Again this sounds good in
> theory, but at this point but its only a suggestion. All standard
> disclaimers apply.
>                                          Good Luck!      

This method was posted to the list quite a while back.  Is it the same 
person (Steve?) with the same problem all this time?!

Well, I shouldn't be surprised, I haven't gotten my tranny fill plug out 
yet either.  I think that will have to wait until I get my q running so I 
have another car to drive.
