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RE: Wanted: oil pan upgrade for I5???

Far from being an expert here, I put a windage tray in my 69 Z28.
Solved both misting and pickup under cornering.  I think one could
easily look at other windage/pick-up solutions, and mod your own pan.  
My .02

Gary M. Lewis
1986 5000   CS Turbo 5 Speed   195,000 miles 1.8 bar

> Agreed.  I have this problem as well.  I hate to think what will
> happen if I
> start putting my cars on the track.
> I seem to recall that Alex Neckas had modified his oil pan, and was
> considering selling a kit.  Or perhaps it was an exchange deal where
> you
> sent him an oil pan and $$$ and he'd send back a modified oil pan...
> Alex?
> And Glen, what are you using on the Fundsolo Racing 4kq? Stock oil pan
> I'd
> guess? Do you have problems with low oil pressure while cornering or
> braking??
> How about others that regularly track their 4kq's and ur-q's??
> -Stott
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:	Huw Powell [SMTP:human@nh.ultranet.com]
> > Sent:	Thursday, June 04, 1998 2:42 PM
> > To:	quattro group
> > Subject:	Re: Wanted: oil pan upgrade for I5???
> > 
> > Isn't it time we found something better than stock for this part?
> Or is
> > it my car...? I'm always getting low oil pressure buzzes on hard
> stops,
> > some corners, even when I'm not low on oil.  Does this mean the oil
> is
> > sloching away from the pickup?  Is there something I should fix?
> (n/a
> > engine in old coupe)
> > 
> > -- 
> > Huw Powell
> > 
> > http://www.thebook.com/human-speakers/audi-main.htm