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Re: 90q fuel pump questions

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Nas <tnas@euronet.nl>
To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Monday, June 08, 1998 2:09 PM
Subject: 90q fuel pump questions

>Hi all,
>I'm preparing myself and my car for the replacement of the fuel pump, which
>is definately on the way out (even noisier than my stereo, hesitates on
>anything approaching full throttle). I've ordered a new pump and jacked my
>car up in order to give all joints and bolts a bathing in WD40. So far, so
>good, but I'm unfamiliar with the setup. Can anyone with the same car- 1987
>90q (like the '88-on 90q in the US) comment on what else I can see there?
>There seem to be three things grouped close together. We're takling about
>the driver's side, just in front of the rear wheel here.
>One item certainly looks like a pump- it has two electrical connections and
>is connected to the fuel line- or at least to a rather thick rubber hose
>leading to the tank. It's about 5in long.
>There's another canister-like thing placed directly under it (against the
>floor of the car), which also seems to have electrical connections attached
>to it. I didn't dare crawl under the car even further while it was on the
>jack, to try and find out where the lines come from and go to. It's a
>little larger than the first thingy. The third item is another (still
>larger) canister, next to the first mentioned, which has lots of rusted-on
>fittings, but -as far as I can ascertain- no electrical connections.
The fuel pump will make itself known when the new one arrives :)
But it is the one with screw off electric connections.  Big fat rubber hose
connected to the gas tank with a hose clamp, other side has a banjo bolt
with a couple of crushwashers.  Make sure you put new ones on there, don't
want any fuel leaks now.  Hold the fuel pump with a big wrench by the banjo
bolt, think the size is 22mm but I could be wrong and break the banjo bolt
loose.  Let the stuff spray out and be careful.  Keep in mind, when you undo
the big fat rubber hose, fuel will come pouring out as it just goes to the
gas tank, so have the new one ready to be hooked up right away.  Shouldn't
need any WD-40 as that stuff generally doesn't rust like other bolts do.
The other canister without electric is the fuel filter.  Keep in mind when
you are done to, turn the key on and off a couple of times without starting
the engine.  This turns the fuel pump on for about 5 seconds and will
repressurize the system.

>Does this make any sense to anyone familiar with the setup? There's no info
>in my 'shop manual (which is mostly for the 80 w/mechanical pump anyway),
>and there _could_ be some differences with the US setup and/or bodged
>repairs (although it all looks like it's intended that way to me).
>I guess all will be explained when I get my new fuel pump and filter from
>the dealership, but I'd like to know what to give an extra dousing of
>penetrating oil, so as to maximize my chances of getting it off without
>I did crawl under the car with my digital camera and took three JPGs that
>show the setup, for anyone interested. They came out quite clear and sharp.
>Let me know if you want them for identification purposes.
>Appreciating your hints...
>Tom- trying not to sound too ignorant (and not succeeding too well)
> _______________________________________________________________________
> Tom Nas                                          Zeist, The Netherlands
> tnas@euronet.nl
> 1987 Audi 90q 2.3E, Tizianrot metallic, 164,000km
> The function of an expert is not to be more right than other people,
>         but to be wrong for more sophisticated reasons.
>                                                -- David Butler