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Re: Wanted: oil pan upgrade for I5???

> > The answer, as you
> > mentioned, is a bit of custom work. I was only trying to cover the
> > time it would take to clean, fabricate, pack and ship an oil pan.  It
> > would seem that a few took offense at this and I subsequently dropped
> > the project.
> > Alex Neckas
> > Onan Shipping, Ltd. Seattle
> There are too many DIYer's on this list, cleaning, fabrication, and
> painting are all readily available local services, I think that goes
> against you.  Not personally I mean, but against the concept.  Also I
> think you guessed it would be something like $300 each?  If I knew what
> the baffles should be set up like, I could do it through buddies
> (welder, powder coater...) for $25 or something for myself.  If you
> could get it done (maybe not painted) for like $100 or so I think you
> would have a winner.  Cleaning - sand blasting is cheap. Fabrication -
> depends on what you are doing, obviously.  A couple simple pieces of
> sheet metal is one thing, bent pieces with holes that are awkward may be
> another.  (Powder coating an oil pan is probably about $25-50) Spray
> paint works just fine though.  Packing and shipping - you'd have the
> senders box and internal padding, and UPS would run $5-10 depending on
> distance.

The $300 figure you are referring to also consisted of:

S4 windage tray                              $32.13
Oil Pan gaskets       2 @ $43.46      $86.92
Fasteners (6 x 25)  20 @   $1.80      $56.00
Fasteners (8 x 25)    3 @   $1.65       $4.95
Fasteners (6 x 55)    4 @   $1.75       $7.00

Plus Cleaning Materials ($5.00)
Plus Raw Materials ($5.00 - $10.00)
Plus Shop Materials (Drill bits, Taps, etc. all get dull)
Plus Time (two to three hours)
Plus Shipping ($5.00 to $10.00?? Ha, ha. $10.00 to $20.00)

Now, how much is really in it for me?  Maybe, and I stress, MAYBE a 
hundred bucks.  Now my hourly is $75.00 to my clients.  Tell me 
please why I should have to take half and hour to justify myself to 

> We'd love some more input from you, but I think we also want you to give
> away your "secrets" for free! 

None of the above touches on the R&D time it took to develop a 
solution that works.  As long as you think I should pass on my 
"secrets" for free, why not ask Ned at IA to give away his services 
for free also.  But why stop there?  Give Mr. Gates a call and ask 
him to send him the latest copy of NT.  All of his R&D is done.  All 
he is releasing is a 35 cent piece of plastic for an incredible mark 
up to $850.00.

But your right.  It is simply not worth $850.00.  So why not just 
write your own network operating system?  What?  It would take some 
time?  Well then, it will take seam a bit prohibitive then, wouldn't 
it?  If you feel that the hundred bucks that I "MIGHT" make seems 
like to much, then voice your opinion as a consumer and don't pay.  
Just spend some time and figure it out for yourself.

If you wish to discuss this further, email me privately.

Alex Neckas
Onan Shipping, Ltd. Seattle