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branding (unfortunately no audi content)

This from the June issue of `Roundel' the BMWCCA newsletter. The results of
a study on product branding, which is defined as "the image, identity or
personality of a company and its products",for `Advertising Age and
Automotive News'. Scoring is on scale of 1(poor) to 5(good).
1. Saturn 4.3        8. Volvo 3.4
2. M-B 4.1           9. Chrysler 3.2
3. Lexus 4.0        10. Ford 3.0
3. BMW 4.0          11. Saab 2.7
5. Honda 3.5        12. Nissan 2.6
5. Toyota 3.5       13. GM 2.6
5. VW 3.5
 Just thought it was interesting.
'91 200tq