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Re: Euro lights - lens replacement

Dave Conner wrote:
> Replacement lenses are available for $60 each on the Bosch Euro
> lights...twin bulb H4/H3 for the 5kt/200.
> This is as told to me by PUMA, inc in Eastlake, OH, telephone 800-333-7862.
> I guess they could also get replacement lenses for other Bosch Euro's too,
> but didn't ask.
> Anyway, this was news to me and I thought others might like to know.
> Their price on a pair of these lights is $799
> Dave Conner
> Columbus, OH

Call 1-800-4METRIX. Canadian wholesaler outfit. You will find them at least
$100-200 cheaper there. Ask for Phillip. If you order from there, ship fed ex
as UPS is a PITA. No customs hassles with fed ex. BTDT that wrong way. I have
no data on replacement lenses, but Metrix can prolly supply those as well.


PS: Dave, this helpful info is coming to you from a former Ann Arborite, a
graduate of a certain university there. Remember how nice we are next time we
are beating up on your team.  Go Blue! ;-)