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flying low - was 108 MPH average

>Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 23:54:01 +0000
>From: "R. Shayne Pavlic'" <bcpi@arias.net>
>Subject: Shayne AVERAGED 108 mph?!

I must admit that when I saw this original post, I thought "Oh, lord,
another AOL idiot with the built-in BS generator."

>Where:  WA to CO.  LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS AND, well you get the idea, of
>boaring straight roadway.  
>Why:  Why not?  And it sure made the trip more interesting.
>When:  Last summer, during DAYLIGHT hours.
>How:  Very carefully.  I did have a codriver (one direction).
>What model:  1972 280 SEL 4.5.  However I have done a "few" things to make
>the car able to handle and be safer at this kind of speed (remember, the car
>was considered to have a top speed of about 127).

I had a 1972 300SEL with the 4.5. Truly a frightening vehicle - big, fast,
heavy, comfortable, with a thirsty V-8 engine - when you give it gas, it
doesn't accelerate, it CHARGES! (Great fun - hard to beat sheer cubic inches.)

Remember that this type of driving is what these cars were designed for -
Autobahn cruising, etc., so the equipment (assuming it is in good condition
- a very great assumption on a 25 year old car) - can handle this speed.

Other than being illegal, the biggest danger is other drivers who are
trundling along at 45 MPH, somewhat higher than their limit of competence
anyway. When you blast past them at 75 MPH difference, they may lose it
entirely. Alternatively, they probably won't realize just how fast you are
moving, and may pull out in front of you or change lanes directly into your
path (trajectory?) leaving you no options but to play Kamikazi Road Warrior
and drive directly through them.

While I respect your right to endanger yourself, I have a problem with your
doing it in the proximity of other people. Never the less, I'm glad that
you are around to tell the tale, but please don't make a habit of this!

>I will admit, it is very fast driving.  However, I will NEVER do this with
>anyone in the car unless we have planned to do it.  Also, I never do this in
>or near any towns or cities.  Only in the middle of nowhere.  And, I ALWAYS
>pass any other driver with caution.  Finally, I will only do this on
>unidirectional roads.

On Fox network, they had a show called "Scariest Police Chases" or "World's
Worst Drivers" or something.

A guy in the UK stuck a video camera over his shoulder in his Ferrari F-40,
and blasted up to 300 kph (180 mph) on a public road, catching it all on
tape. Impressive - overpasses flickering past like telephone poles, etc.
They said he sold 10,000 copies of the tape at GBP 50 each (Total about
$80,000 US), and then they arrested him for speeding when he sold a copy to
an undercover policeman. The fine was $500, and they pulled his license for
90 days. Let's see - that's $79,500 left, less taxi and bus fare for three
months - sounds like a money-maker to me! Who has a V-10 Venom they'd like
to lend me?

Best Regards,

Mike Arman