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Re: unbolting control arms revisited

Huw Powell <human@nh.ultranet.com> wrote:
> > Not to pick on this particular writer, but if folks would take about two
> > seconds to read a bit of a message before deleting, it might certainly
> > cut down on many of the "synth oil, headlights, tools, etc" posts.

Yeah, and if the archives worked well, it might also help.  (two seconds 
for every post can add up to alot, I spend too much time as it is reading 
email it seems) (not to feel particularly picked on ;-)  )

> > Don't forget to replace the nuts (or at least use some Lok-tite).
> They're supposed to be self locking nuts, replace every time you remove.
> 10 mm coarse thread I think.

How many people do this?  I know the subframe bolts and axle nuts are 
"always replace" items, but I personally never have.  Am I the only one 
living on the wild side?
