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Re: removing stickon badges/stiff clutch??

I removed the badges on my audis with a thread. I cut the badges off
by moving the thread between the car body and the badge like a saw.
Fortunately the Audi badges don't leave any holes in the trunk like on
the Volkswagen.
Don't remove the badges on a used red car. You will still see the


_/_/_/_/_/ pepe@z.zgs.de \_\_\_\_\_

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Todd Young <tyoung@wamnet.com>
An: Ed Shiers <rcl70@pop.dial.pipex.com>; quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Datum: Montag, 15. Juni 1998 16:46
Betreff: Re: removing stickon badges/stiff clutch??

>Use a hair dryer or heat gun set on low. Heat them up and  they will
>peel right off. At least the dealer's stupid badge did on my car.
>I haven't tried the Audi badges.
>Ed Shiers wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want to get the plastic stick-on bages off the back and sides of
>> car. Tried with a sharp nife and T-cut but that took ages and made
>> mess of my paint work. Anyone have a way/ know of a product which
>> remove these tacky stickkers without removing my paintwork??
>> Also the clutch on the '85 audi 80 I've just bought is very , very
>> stiff and quite sharp. -It was apparently replaced not long ago.
>> Does anyone know of the probable cause/fix of the problem? It does
>> work ok but I'm wondering if I'll do more damage driving the car.
>> Thanks for the help,
>> Ed
>Todd Young              WAM!NET Inc.
>tyoung@wamnet.com       6100 West 110th Street
>612-886-5051            Bloomington, MN 55438-2664
>800-585-1133 ext.5051   http://www.wamnet.com/