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Audi Anreise (was:New S4 on display)

Anyone think it'll be on display at Ingolstadt?  ;-)

Whee-hooo.  With help of Scott Mo's contact information, have arranged a 
tour of the Audi facilities two weeks from now.  Tours NOW available 3 
times per day. 0930, 1200, 1300.  (Still not sure about days of operation. 
 Dan can vouch for Sunday closure tho...).  Even had a map faxed to me. 
 Will pass along this map + additional tour info to Scott.  Will also 
determine info on "Audi Museum". Will walk the all german sprache tour at 
1200 along with loving wife and my German pal ( This will certainly be 
helpful having a local along for translation, etc...).

Then planning more driving around the Romantic Road area...perhaps a stop 
at THE Hofbrauhaus in Munich (Worth it?  Or too many tourists?).  Couldn't 
quite talk the SO into a Zuffenhausen (P-cars) stop on the way back to 

Anyone have suggestions for nice stops driving N from Munich (Munchen) to 
Cologne (Koln)?

P.S.  Now if only I can procure Wimbledon tix this trip is really shaping 
up.  (Yes Phil, I understand this will most likely require a night in que 
;-).  Dan - thanks.  Will check on reply for tix.)

Derek Daily
90 CQ (four rings)
86 VW qsw (at least two rings)
99 S4?  (only with the Osman P. 12 year lease?)

-----Original Message-----
From:	Paul E. Rivera [SMTP:rivera@rivera.com]
Sent:	Tuesday, June 16, 1998 8:17 AM
To:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Subject:	New S4 on display

Met Erik Bjorlin yesterday (regional Audi factory service manager).
Says "There is a S4 in the lobby at Auburn Hills Michigan offices on
How long does it take to drive to Michigan from LA?.............

Paul Rivera
16 Rings