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Re: Inst cluster
Todd Young wrote:
> I haven't got around to buying a tech manual yet.
Well I haven't really; someone with a Quattro/manual trans. got the
repair manual set and sold me the two she didn't need; the one for the
automatic trans. and for the steering/brake system (different on the
(BTW, thanks again Yves)
> Could you give me a brief run down on how to get the
> inst cluster out. I believe I have a burnt out bulb behind
> my outside temp readout. I know there might be a problem
> with my clock bulb, as it didn't work when I bought the
> car and then one day decided to start working. Basically
> I just want to check out all the bulbs back there.
-On the bottom of the steering column cover, on each side, there is a
screw hole--use a phillips head screwdriver to remove the screw from
-Pull the top of the steering column cover straight up.
-If you're really paranoid about the airbag the red connector on the
back right corner disconnects it.
-On the bottom of the instrument cluster, in the area you exposed by
pulling off the steering column cover, there are two phillips head
screws--remove them both. Pull the instrument cluster straight out, it
will come 3 or 4 inches.
-There are a few wires to disconnect--on the tach side, there's a group
of wires that breaks off into a white connector and a yellow
connector--the white connector pulls right off, for the yellow connector
pry the little lavender clip (carefully) straight out, enough that you
can grab it with your fingers. Then just pull the lavender bit
straight, the connector will unplug with it.
-On the speedometer side, there are two groups of wire--one is black and
one is red. The black one breaks into two groups, a blue connector and
a black one. Pull the blue one the same way you pulled the yellow one
on the tach side. The black one has @#(*@# irritating clips on each
side, just fight with it and it will come out.
-The red group is two wires, they connect to the bulb that lights up the
"Airbag" warning light on the console. Mine had been broken and
superglued to the circuit board, so there was no easy way to disconnect
it--I just cut the wires. If yours isn't superglued, please let me
know! I want to know if I should go to Jim Ellis and bitch at them :O
-The bulbs are in the little black (or blue or orange) plastic things
sticking out of the circuit board--twist them 90 degrees either way, and
pull them out. If the bulb is obscured by something, remove whatever is
obscuring it. To remove the tach, take out the three screws that stick
out of the white casing (three are recessed in a straight line, leave
those. The ones you want are the three that are in a triangle.) Then
grab the clear plastic plate that the tach display is on and gently pull
*straight* out. For the speedo, first remove the 3 black phillips head
screws that hold the big plastic piece (the one that covers the bit in
the middle of the board). Pull it *straight* out, then unscrew the 4
metallic phillips head screws around the speedo and pull it straight out
the same way you pulled out the tach.
Assembly is the reverse of removal; make sure that you line up the tach
properly! On mine there were three pins but four holes, you should be
able to see which ones to use by lining up the clock with the hole in
the tach display.
It's not too hard, just keep in mind: if it seems too hard, you're doing
something wrong. The whole thing is very modular and reasonably
intuitive, anything that's not superglued together will disconnect
> By the way. If you don't have the auto climate control,
> I've got the three turn knobs, pull out the knobs, I used
> a pick with a hook on one end, and that exposes two
> phillips screw. Take out the screws and you will find
> three bulbs to light that area, I've got one burnt out.
> No parts store had one, so I'm going to call VW and see
> if they have a replacement. It's easier for me to get to the
> VW dealer from work.
I've got the automatic climate control.
BTW, unless you're up for a good laugh I'd avoid the dealer--they wanted
$4.50 for a single bulb. Go to Radio Shack/Tech America/whatever and
get a bulb (or LED? That's going to be my next project) and carefully
solder it to the old casing.
> I've got some more info about replacing bulb/LEDs in
> different switches, have to do a little more work and then
> I will post it to the QList.
Go for it! The level of collective experience for the 12v cars is still
pretty low on the list.
BTW for those of you who are wondering, the 12v page that I was working
on is down because its server is in little bits strewn around the floor
next to me--it's getting cleaned and re-installed.
"Everyone says it's pretty hard to visualize. That's a lie. It's
impossible to visualize."
( George Cain )
> --
> Todd Young WAM!NET Inc.
> tyoung@wamnet.com 6100 West 110th Street
> 612-886-5051 Bloomington, MN 55438-2664
> 800-585-1133 ext.5051 http://www.wamnet.com/