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Intl Dialing, Poser Phones, and Morte-Technik (0-Audi Content)

In message <151C5F46E27@theestopinalgroup.com> "Douglas Hurst Quebbeman" writes:

> > However - it works in 91 countries, but not in the USA.  Even though
> > GSM is now available in parts of the USA, it uses a non-standard
> > frequency allocation.
> GSM... a fine technology, as long as you don't have:
>    a) hearing aids
>    b) cardiac pacemaker
>    c) uP-based defibrillator
> Sorry, just couldn't let it pass...  -dq

You forgot airbags ...

Seriously - _ALL_ mobile phones are now banned in UK hospitals, and
with good reason - especially in the case of GSM.  Boy, does it
chuck out some rubbish ...

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)