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Re: quattro-digest V4 #2363

> Date:          Thu, 18 Jun 1998 02:46:10 -0400 (EDT)
> From:          owner-quattro-digest@coimbra.ans.net (quattro-digest)
> To:            quattro-digest@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject:       quattro-digest V4 #2363
> Reply-to:      quattro@coimbra.ans.net

> Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 00:27:54 -0400
> From: Michael Grundmann <mjg27@cornell.edu>
> Subject: Dash lights '86 5ks and pricing of used audis
> While driving my 5ks a couple of nights ago- blank- the dash lights
> suddenly went out.  Funny thing is it's been dropping out sporadically
> every once and a while.  Well it hasn't come back yet so I'm figuring some
> MORE gremlins worked their way into the wiring (that's not including the
> annoying window and power seat problems).. anyway, any btdts on this?
> Second brief question is on pricing of Audis on online services like
> Edmunds and Kelleys... how accurate are they.. for instance i'm going to be
> looking at a 1990 90q with 122k miles and Edmunds says its worth about
> 7800... seems a bit high, luckily the "asking price" is merely 7000...
> BTW, in response to a long dead thread, some kids do lust after Audis.  My
> dad got our 5ks when i was merely 8, and I've loved them ever since.
> Buying my own at 19....  
> Thanks for any help, and I WILL post results if i get it fixed..
> Mike Grundmann
> '86 5ks
> looking for a quattro...

This might be an overly simplistic answer to your problem, but all 
three dash lights went out in my 87 CGT, within a week of each other. 
 Still don't know why, but I replaced the individual bulbs and it has 
been working fine since.  Must be the precise engineering standards 
that caused the bulbs to go all at the same time. ; )

87 Coupe GT