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HELP Dr. Simoes
Dr. Simoes,
I just enrolled today and have already looked in the archives till my eyes
are going bad, done a variety of searches, etc. All to no avail-yet.
HELP. We're down to one car (86 5KTQ wagon). My primary set of wheels is
giving me fits (87 5KTQ). Wife and baby currently are without
transportation...I took their wagon to work today.
1. Began with a no-start condition. After repeated cranking, it started on
3, then 4, then (eventually) 5 cylinders.
2. Once started, ran with no problem, full boost-what a car!
3. After cooling down for several hours- very difficult to start.
4. After cooling down overnight, starts as mentioned in item 1.
5. With the aid of the Bently manuals, checked for fault codes...4444 no
faults, 0000 end of diagnostic routene.
6. Checked resistance of all related temp. sending units and cleaned
7. Checked (swapped out) Distributor (Hall Sender) and fuel pump relay.
7.5 Replaced main fuel filter.
8. Checked computer and, Eureka, found two severed wires, one to terminal 6
(ground path #50) and one to terminal 34( ground path #47). Both wires are
ground paths for the computer. Both were severed about 1/4" from their
respective crimp-on connectors. Seems as if if could have been a product of
the crimping operation. (?)
9. Repaired both wires, and it immediately began to run on 4 cyl. only.
10. Cut both wires ( one at a time ) and the condition persists.
11. Spark at all 5 cylinders.
12. Not firing on #2. Seems like no fuel. Snap judgement would indicate
clogged injector, if not for the previous behavior mentioned in item #1.
A. Any ideas?
B. Does the computer control fuel delivery to individual cylinders? I
did'nt think so but...
C. With two vintage, high mileage 5KTQs (155k-165k) and no back-up vehicle,
should I be seeking therapy for some sort of personality disorder?
Mark Woodland