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Re: HELP Dr. Simoes (fwd)

Dan Simoes wrote:
> Forwarded message:
> >From mwoodland@program4.com  Fri Jun 19 14:44:16 1998
> Message-ID: <01BD9B90.FD8CC920.mwoodland@program4.com>
> From: "Mark E. Woodland" <mwoodland@program4.com>
> To: "'quattro-owner@coimbra.ans.net'" <quattro-owner@coimbra.ans.net>
> Subject: HELP Dr. Simoes
> Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 14:46:05 -0400
> X-Mailer: Microsoft Internet E-mail/MAPI -
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> Dr. Simoes,
> I just enrolled today and have already looked in the archives till my eyes
> are going bad, done a variety of searches, etc. All to no avail-yet.
> HELP. We're down to one car (86 5KTQ wagon). My primary set of wheels is
> giving me fits (87 5KTQ). Wife and baby currently are without
> transportation...I took their wagon to work today.
> Symptoms:
> 1. Began with a no-start condition. After repeated cranking, it started on
> 3, then 4, then (eventually) 5 cylinders.
> 2. Once started, ran with no problem, full boost-what a car!
> 3. After cooling down for several hours- very difficult to start.
> 4. After cooling down overnight, starts as mentioned in item 1.
> 5. With the aid of the Bently manuals, checked for fault codes...4444 no
> faults, 0000 end of diagnostic routene.
> 6. Checked resistance of all related temp. sending units and cleaned
> contacts.
> 7. Checked (swapped out) Distributor (Hall Sender) and fuel pump relay.
> 7.5 Replaced main fuel filter.
> 8. Checked computer and, Eureka, found two severed wires, one to terminal 6
> (ground path #50) and one to terminal 34( ground path #47). Both wires are
> ground paths for the computer. Both were severed about 1/4" from their
> respective crimp-on connectors. Seems as if if could have been a product of
> the crimping operation. (?)
> 9. Repaired both wires, and it immediately began to run on 4 cyl. only.
> 10. Cut both wires ( one at a time ) and the condition persists.
> 11. Spark at all 5 cylinders.
> 12. Not firing on #2. Seems like no fuel. Snap judgement would indicate
> clogged injector, if not for the previous behavior mentioned in item #1.
> A. Any ideas?
> B. Does the computer control fuel delivery to individual cylinders? I
> did'nt think so but...
> C. With two vintage, high mileage 5KTQs (155k-165k) and no back-up vehicle,
> should I be seeking therapy for some sort of personality disorder?
> Mark Woodland
Sounds like a major vacuum leak, or insufficient fuel pressure. (#2 not
firing possibly due  to slightly higher injector opening pressure.
1.- Valve cover oil cap properly closed/seated
2.- Oil dip stick seal "O" ring in good order
3.- Age and condition of air filter
4.- Residual fuel pressure (Check valve function)
B.- You have a CIS system. Computer does not control individual
injectors. Injector opening is only a function of fuel pressure ( If I
remember open at >70PSI close at <40PSI)
C.- Therapy not needed.  I have a 1985 5000S Auto with >300K miles
HTH. Pablo