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Re: where'd the oil pressure gauges go?

My Carrera has one, but it is oil/air-cooled as if that makes a difference.
 My Urquattro does not.  I would guess (and recall from my GM product
development days) that oil pressure is kind of a binary affair in most
cases.  Either you have it or you don't.  If you do - alles gut.  If you
don't, an idiot light is your best bet, as you will not likely be looking
at that gauge at that particularly crucial moment that the oil
pump/line/cooles/filter/etc gives up the ghost.  I read the one in the
Carrera - a little over 1 bar at idle, approx 1 bar per 1000 rpm as a rule
when warm.  Ahelathy lump of assorted alloys.

Oil temp is IMHO much much more valuable - no sudden changes here are

Jouko Haapanen
Pori, Finland

> From: Andrew Duane USG/PE <duane@zk3.dec.com>
> To: smullen@philly.infi.net
> Cc: Quattro List <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
> Subject: Re: where'd the oil pressure gauges go?
> Date: 23. kesäkuuta 1998 20:05
> Hairy green toads from Mars made Shaun D. Mullen say:
> > My '92 100CSQW had an oil pressure (bar) gauge, as did my old Volvo
> > turbo wagons.  The newer old A6s and A4s and new new A6s don't have oil
> > pressure gauges.  The new Euro-spec S models might, but I don't know. 
> > Does anyone on the list, perhaps our well-connected friend in Finland,
> > have any idea why Audi dropped these most valuable gauges?
> To put in the clock, silly......
> I hate it.
> -- 
> Andrew L. Duane (JOT-7)			duane@zk3.dec.com
> Digital Equipment Corporation		(603)-884-1294
> 110 Spit Brook Road
> M/S ZKO3-3/U14
> Nashua, NH    03062-2698
> Only my cat shares my opinions, and she's too psychotic to express it