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Re: Speedvision

I know I'm pretty new here, but I had to say something in agreement. 
It's a well-known fact in marketing that trends go in 10 year intervals. 
Well, with Audi making virtually no commercials in this time, Subaru was
bound to dust off its AWD program, (remember the 4X4 Brat?), and take
credit for the trail Audi blazed in the 80's.  Hell, it took Audi this
long for people to forget the whole "Unintended Acceleration"...Hooey. 
(For lack of a more gentlemanly word.)  Plus, how many people in the
States know a thing about rallye racing?  Or the touring car racing in
Europe?  Micky Thompson is about as close as the laymen gets.  

Another thing is up-market German marques have this thing about showing
commercials on T.V.  I was floored when I saw the Janis Joplin "Mercedes
Benz" commercial for the first time.  That'd be like Rolls Royce using
John Lennon's psychedelic Phantom to sell Silver Shadows.  I guess maybe
the more expensive car marques are finally figuring out that a whole
generation of people that grew up on "econoboxes" may not have realized
that driving can actually be fun, given you buy a fun car to drive.  And
I think Audi would fit that bill. They've always had the market, just not
the market-ing. 

Sorry for that rant, but I hate to see a lesser car company gaining fame
at the expense of my boys in Ingolstadt.


On Wed, 24 Jun 1998 01:11:05 -0400 four.rings@mcione.com writes:
>Dan Simoes wrote:
>> Yes, and did you see the new A4 commercial that mentions Audis 
>> and quattro being banned?  I almost fell over in shock.

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