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brake bleeding
I did a quick search of my personal archive going back a few months(4277
messages) and found nothing on this subject.
I've got one of those "one-man" kits; a vacuum pump, a flimsy plastic jar
with inlet+outlet pipes, and a little rubber hose with a metal surround
that looks like it's designed to hold on to the bleeder screw.
I would assume one connects this to the bleeder screw(after cleaning of
course), loosens said screw, and pumps away until clear fluid results,
topping off resevoir as needed, right?
Anything I need to know beyond this? Or am I just being paranoid? It
seemed simple enough that I can handle it; it's one of the more
un-complicated things, but one never knows, so I figured I'd ask.
91 200q
Brett Dikeman
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Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' veterem fieri.