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Re: Aren't friends great

I overheard a tid-bit of a conversation from one of our service customers.
Apparently she hadn't been in to the shop for 23,000 miles. She was calling
to complain about something not right, my service writer looked up her file
and asked her (casually) if she was taking it elsewhere for oil changes. 

She wasn't. She wasn't changing the oil at all. He scheduled an immediate
appointment. We solved the mystery of why her last car (a BMW 3-series)
only lasted 60K miles before "burning a hole in the engine". 

(I'm not sure exactly what failed in the 3-series motor, just quoting a
generalized motor failure).

With today's cars telling you to go change your oil, with computerized
scheduling from service shops calling you up to say "bring her in", and
with FREE maintainence for the first 3years/50K....some people still don't
get it. 

The Audi police should repo her car and get her a bus pass.

> From: Andrew Buc <abuc@ibm.net>
> To: Rosso75@aol.com; quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: Re: Aren't friends great
> Date: Thursday, June 25, 1998 2:37 PM
> Addressed to: Rosso75@aol.com
>               quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> ** Reply to note from Rosso75@aol.com Thu, 25 Jun 1998 15:41:17 EDT
> >   
> > Igor Kessel wrote:  
> > "...(friends don't let friends drive non-European cars).....I asked him
if he
> > saw anything unusual prior to that. He goes:  "Aaah yeah, about a week
ago a
> > funny little red light with an oiler icon came on but I thought it was
> > dangerous" 
> A college buddy once told me that a couple of his elderly female
> had been driving a big traditional late 60s or early 70s American car
> (never use a gauge when you can use an idiot light!) in an Arizona
> When the HOT light on the dash came on, they thought it was a commentary
> the outside temperature and kept going, w/the results you'd expect.