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Re: turbo lines, rack, and pump -- H-E-L-P


1. the Rack
            Like I mentioned before, I ordered my rack from Blau for $269
(plus $100 core charge and $15.59 for UPS). It arrived today. I opened up
the box, it looks good. They painted it a nice blue for me. I''m hoping
it'll go in tommorow, but if not then it will be next week sometime when
I'm at Pikes Peak. I don't see any reason that an "Audi rebuilt" rack is
gonna be any better than the people who are rebuilding the racks for Blau.
Odds are, it's the same company.  My invoice says I got the Long rack. 
Labor should run 5-7 hours. You don't need to buy the rack from Audi. 

Let me see...Audi says $750, and a 1 year warranty. 
Blau says $269 and a three year warranty. 

Simple enough.

2. The oil cooler lines.

Take em to a hose supply shop and have a set made to order. It should be
much less expensive. I'm betting you could get all the lines from a hose
suppply shop for the cost of just one line from the dealer. If I had the
insight to ask the list when my lines went (about 2 years ago), I would
have saved myself a bundle. 

Call around to the hose supply shops first to see if anybody can help you.
Pull the lines (or have your tech do it) and bring em to the shop. 

The labor isn't bad on the cooler lines. 

> Basically, the dealer needs me to sign something that says they're not
> responsible for the parts (obviously) if they fail.  But I will save a
> boatload of money doing it this way -- and I trust this mechanic, he's a
> straight-shooter and an Audi Fan.

Um... this is a no-brainer. Go for the aftermarket parts. Many times these
so-called aftermarket parts have Audi P/N's on it!! 

> Can I do the oil line stuff and wait a few weeks to get the rack/pump
> Can I do the rack first and the pump in a few weeks?  The pump doesn't
> as bad as the rack..

Yeah, but when the pump goes it does so with a vengence. Go rebulit here as
well or try a rebuild, even though I chickened out from the rebuild for
lack of a second car and lack of a garage. 

> Thanks guys -- I gotta order this stuff today, so if any of you guys have
> few minutes to help me out it'd be mucho appreciat-o..  Thanks!

Hope this helped in time.