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Stealin' wheels

Jeffrey Goggin wrote:
"...I'm still trying to figure out how the scrotum-poles who stole the wheels
managed to get their jack out from underneath the car.  ... is there some sort
trick to this or what?  "

   Mind you, this is purely a guess, base on experience driving off road, not
experience stealing tires.  Take two high -lift bumper jacks (the kind most
4x4 owners carry around for getting unstuck) and put one on each corner of the
front bumper.  Jack it up, take the wheels, let them down.  The belly of the
car will hit the ground before the bumper gets anywhere close to being unable
to get the jack out.  Repeat process on the rear, and you have a car sitting
on the ground.  Look for scratches on the underside of the bumpers/bumper
Bryan Carter